It’s The Way You Make Me Feel


It’s the things that you do,
So physical,
It’s the things that you say,
So flammable,
You know I can’t resist,
Boy it’s such a shame,
Do you belong to another,
I don’t wanna hurt nobody,
But my heart just can’t hold back,

It’s the Way You Make Me Feel,
The way that you make me feel,
Spinning my world around,
Tell me how can I walk away,
I don’t care what they say,
I’m loving you anyway,
It’s the way you make me feel

I’m going to make you mine,
It’s not impossible,
Got to let you know,
I’m irresistible,
Baby can’t you see,
You’re the one for me,
But you belong to another,
I don’t wanna hurt nobody,
But my heart just can’t hold back,

It’s the Way You Make Me Feel,
The way that you make me feel,
Spinning my world around,
Tell me how can I walk away,
I don’t care what they say,
I’m loving you anyway,
It’s the way you make me feel

When I look into your eyes,
Everytime you smile at me,
Oh I go weak inside,
Baby I just can’t hide my love,

It’s the Way You Make Me Feel,
The way that you make me feel,
Spinning my world around,
Tell me how can I walk away,
I don’t care what they say,
I’m loving you anyway,
It’s the way you make me feel
Tell me how can I walk away,
I don’t care what they say,
I’m loving you anyway,
It’s the way you make me feel

What I Want Is What I’ve Got


All that I want in my life
Is the feeling of peace
Deep within’me truly
I took a chance I let go
I promised myself
That it wouldn’t scare me

Mracles appear I know
Now I can see it show

‘Cause I Found out what I dream’t of
And I looked it up
At this very moment
What I want is what I’ve got
Found out what was missing
And I looked it up
And at this very moment
What I want is what I’ve got

Life is too short To hold back
I won’t live in the past
Being lonely now I know
This is the time of my life
Yes I’m sure
What I want is what I’ve got

Miracles appear I konw
Now I can see it show

Now I’ve found out
What I’ve been dreaming of
It’s the feeling of pease
Deep within’me
‘Cause life is too short
To hold back I made up my mind

啊 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊

    啊 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊……………,.它爷爷的奶奶的,,我 我我,他他他他第三届哦的金额激动俄国国全国人23 34Q@$% V123 TW

【地方各个国家国家 开个恶化 我egwe3恶化热火人如然后鹅好好人哈哈然如果然后很热俄军梵蒂热烘烘 好人说法 和恶化如何会然金额就你好吗,怪你;大好事人民人口突然他工具个,以可, 一都是和跟我夺得就会如 说的改都是啊他 分就旧体诗她就很能够于今天然非通过回家人你他们每年国,分乳头肌 男以阿没你 和一模一样而后他每一天,没设置该是他和和他将他人一图样,要是你今年内蒙蒙一,没俄   FNMTY J54AEHJE特别防护服分还会热火他将他人家人可用可 陆摄影额头叫我其他MY 5 4J45



  • 简单的活  生活就这样简单,吃了睡睡了吃,比猪高级的是我们还会思考怎样不长肥肉
  • 简单的过  攒足了劲让自己快乐,让朋友感受到我的活力并为之开心
  • 简单的爱  让喜欢的人一辈子幸福,并能一辈子喜欢我。很难,却是那样的简单
  • 简单的写  答应小刀在她下课前备好课。说话算数---就像刷牙一样,Fighting!
  • 简单祝福  新的一年就要来了,祝福所有的人健康、快乐




这首是《25周年纪念特辑》(Sojiro 25Th Anniversary Best Selection)里的第一首歌《故郷の原風景》.他的音乐基本都是处于一种凄凉,纯真,静的境界,可能因为陶笛的缘故吧。

如果看过TVB拍的古天乐版的神雕里就有这个背景乐 🙂


     1  同事和我争论问题,一时处于下风,情急中他一拍桌子起身大叫:你胡说,我又不是不傻!我。。。

     2  数学成绩出来了,宝贝们考得还不错,及格人数那是相当的多啊。可是,可是高分选手太少了,别人二班有139的,三班都有125的呢!哼哼,这以后别怪你家涛哥心狠手辣!

     3  妹妹要过生了,记得到时候送祝福--不然肯定死很惨。。。

     4  生活多混乱,以积极的心态快乐的面对!